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September, 2017Hello and Welcome!Welcome to the first edition of the Healer Within Foundation newsletter! We are delighted you are here! With this publication we hope to keep you up-to-date on foundation happenings including Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leader Training opportunities, Community Practice Groups, upcoming gatherings – both in-person and “on the cloud” – and also, how you can help the foundation achieve Join us on the 5th Saturday of Each Month at 12 Noon Pacific Time for our new Gathering On The Cloud Series. Sign up now to RSVP for this special series of Zoom* meetings to make friends, get support, and stay in touch with others who lead practice and care about health and wellness! Space is limited so secure your spot on the cloud, today! *access by computer with video or by phone
RSVP For Cloud Series HereA Healing Story: Diane Celebrates a Walking ComebackNew HWF Board member, Diane Ramftl, is celebrating her ability to walk again without a fear of falling.
During the three years following a serious accident, Diane felt fear when she tried to walk. She wasn ‘t sure if she would ever feel comfortable again just walking down the street – something we all take for granted – and she had been an avid walker. Those were tough years, but Diane credits her big turnaround with having the courage to try something new. Her recovery progressed rapidly when she tried the slow, elegant, and easy to learn movements of Tai Chi Easy™. After a few classes, her balance began to improve and she felt more confident just walking down the street. She dove in and continued to learn more about these ancient, mind-body-spirit practices. Compelled to share what she had learned with others, Diane is now a certified practice leader in the Atlantic City area. Diane credits these gentle practices with her recovery and is now celebrating her comeback in a big way.
Diane is Celebrating with a 10K!
Joining thousands of other people to celebrate the simple vitality of walking and running and being in good health, this October 21-22 on the world famous Atlantic City Boardwalk, Diane celebrates her healing triumph by leading Team Healer Within at the 2017 Atlantic City Marathon, half marathon, 5k and 10k run/walk races.
Ever wanted to do a 5K or 10K? You can walk it or run it with us! Here is how to do it this October 2017 in Atlantic City:
First, register to run or walk one of the race events at www.ACRaceSeries.com. Then join Team Healer Within and you’re all set! Joining the team means you run or walk with us.
Not able to join the race? You can still be a member of Team Healer Within and support the team. Team Healer Within will be raising money to train others to practice Tai Chi Easy™ to awaken their healing powers within.
It’s a celebration of wholeness, health and vitality!
HWF Board At WorkThe HWF Board of Directors and leadership team met July 5-6 to address and revise the strategic plan of the organization and update governing documents.
Six new board members were also welcomed in July. A roster of the current HWF leadership team can be found HERE.
The Board was graciously hosted at the Katonah, New York home of Emeritus Board member, Daniel Weicher. A big thank you to Dan and his dogs, Bingo and Sparky (shown above), for their amazing hospitality!
In addition to Board business, a casual “friend-raiser” event was held on July 5 for local HWF and IIQTC graduates and for those interested in pursuing future training.
L to R Back Row: HWF Board Members Toni Horn, Jana Eshaghian, Ed Vaughn, Roger Jahnke (Founder), Josie Weaver, Deborah Ashford and Denise Fecketter More Photos Here29 New Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leaders!Tempe, Arizona was the site of the most recent TCEPL training…and wow! HWF is proud to announce 29 new practice leaders who will now be sharing good Qi in their communities! Congratulations, graduates and thank you to the Tempe training team: Click HERE for a full list of future TCEPL Trainings and check back often as new training opportunities are being added regularly.
Interested in putting together a Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leader Training event in your area? ContactChristie Ward or Toni Horn for more information.
List Your Community Practice GroupDo you know of a free or low-cost Tai Chi Easy™ Community Practice Group in your area? Help us spread the word! Click the button below to see our current list. Group not there? Contact Christie Ward with the meeting time and place along with contact information and we will get it added. The list is updated regularly, so be sure to check back often! |